Sen’s Modernist Post Structures


Walk right in by Sen McGlinn in the Whangarei Quarry Gardens, New Zealand. Oct-Nov 2015.


1019_1415walkriOne of my sculptural interests is large outdoor works that can be entered and seen from the inside out. These works are sculptures on the scale of buildings, or buildings that use the visual vocabulary of 1019_1413walkrisculpture, rather than the language of architecture. As a sculpture, ‘Walk right in’ responds to the Russian modernist work known as ‘Tatlin’s tower,’ and Hossein Amanat’s Azadi monument. As a building, it demonstrates a technique for creating dynamic spaces in wood, with an effect completely different to the static effect of standard timber framing. The material is high quality Pinus radiata, with MCA treatment (an environmentally preferred product replacing tanalising). So the work is also a reminder of the important role of P. radiata in the New Zealand Northland economy, and a thank-you to those who have developed better cultivars, management plans and treatments.


Spin-off by Sen McGlinn, in the Wharepuke Sculpture Gardens, Kerikeri, New Zealand.
On show until September 2016.


My sculpture practice lies somewhere between micro-architecture and
autonomous sculpture, as I am interested in creating internal spaces
as well as surfaces and shadows. A sculpture can be as well designed
as a building / a building can be as sculptural as a work of art.

I’ve been working on a series of built sculptures that I call modernist post structures, using reciprocal frame structures as a sculptural form, and common fencing and farming supplies as a material. The repeated sloping pattern of the elements and the constant measurements make for a dynamic space, both inside and around the work. 0109_1536c_spinoff



Works in
the Modernist Post Series:

Every Angle, 2014
Lemon Squeezer + Domino theory, 2014
Walk Right In, 2015
Spin-off, 2015

Monastery gardens Sculpture + Land art Show

<< Facebook Event | NL >>

Detail of Memorials, ceramic tiles + a text

Detail of of our work, Memorials, ceramic tiles + a text

Sen cleans the tiles on our work Memorials with a sculpture by Theo van Keulen beyond

Sen cleans the tiles on our work Memorials with a sculpture by Theo van Keulen beyond

Opening: 14 June 2015, at 12.15 in the outdoor chapel in the gardens, Wittem klooster (Wittem Monastery), Wittemer Allee 32, 6286 AB, Wittem, The Netherlands

Wittem (google maps) is 15 km east of Maastricht, 15 km west of Aachen and 10 south-west of Heerlen.

“Verhalen + Herinneringen” (stories + memories) Sculpture in the gardens
curated by Ben van Kollenburg

14 June – 23 august, open daily.

De zomerexpositie 2015 wordt geopend op zondag 14 juni om 12.15 uur bij de openluchtkapel in de kloostertuin.

Van 14 juni t/m 23 augustus vindt er in de tuin van klooster Wittem de Zomerexpositie 2015 plaats. Het thema van deze jaarlijks terugkerende expositie is gebaseerd op ‘Verhalen en herinneringen’ .

Overal worden verhalen vertelt, ook in kloosters. Maar verhalen werden daar ook geboren. Verhalen die voort vloeiden uit voorwerpen, tradities en herinneringen. Religieuze maar ook algemene verhalen. Over het ontstaan en de geschiedenis van het kloosterleven. Over de (ge)bouwen en de bewoners. Over de ambachtelijke activiteiten zoals het brouwen van bier of het maken van kaas. Over Patroonheiligen en andere heiligen. Over bedevaarten en over de diensten die kloosters aan zieken en arme mensen verleenden. Zo heeft ieder klooster z’n eigen verhalen.

Zo ook Klooster Wittem. Over het ontstaan van de bedevaartbezoeken, de zorg en de functie van de kloostertuin, over de schitterende kapellen en over de prachtige bibliotheek, die herinnert aan de tijd dat Klooster Wittem seminarie was en opleidingsinstituut voor de redemptoristen. Alles heeft z’n verhaal, z’n herinnering en wordt op eigen wijze herdacht.

Door verhalen en herinneringen zijn de exposanten van Zomerexpositie 2015 geïnspireerd. Omdat iedere kunstenaar op eigen wijze beeld geeft aan zijn of haar inspiraties zal tijdens de Zomerexpositie 2015 naast installaties ook beelden, sculpturen en objecten te zien zijn, bestaande uit diverse materialen als metaal, hout, keramiek en vergankelijke materialen. Dit jaar wordt ook het TBC-huisje actief betrokken bij de expositie.

Kunstenaars | Artists
Theo van Keulen | Godelief Geurts | Marleen Rijvers | Marijke Strijbosch | Zjuul Devens | Els Borgers | Sonja van Kerkhoff | Sen McGlinn | Tatjana Brock | Lène Bueters | Carola Mokveld | Pollie Gregoor | Roosje Chini | Thea van Herpt | Marjolein Markink

A balancing act + butoh @ Land Art Maastricht

17 May 2013. Land Art Maastricht, Day 8.

Land Art Maastricht Rundgang - Sculpture by Clemens Maassen

Land Art Maastricht Rundgang – Sculpture by Clemens Maassen

Clemens + Rob van Acker also made an intervention at Land Art Maastricht with a car, a lamp post and some vines. One of the performances for the opening:

Butoh performance by Mieke Verhooren and a student.

Butoh performance by Mieke Verhooren and a student. Detail of sculptural interventions by second year art teacher students at the Maastricht School of Visual Arts.

Back to Day 1 of Land Art Maastricht

The Life of Why + the “Janssen” family flower

Old Man in boat irons past Chateau Bethlehem

Old Man in boat irons past Chateau Bethlehem

The "Janssen" family flower by Sonja van Kerkhoff in the Chateau Bethlehem moat.

The “Janssen” family flower by Sonja van Kerkhoff
in the Chateau Bethlehem moat.

14 May: Day 5 of Land Art Maastricht

We had to move everything out of the rain as quickly as possible. The fastest way to do this was to put everything into the boat and to tow it.

It became a performance:
Old man: Sen McGlinn
Driver: Guido Ancion
Camera: Sonja van Kerkhoff

Each ‘flower’ is a creation out of the plastic rubbish given to me. So the “Janssen” flower hails from the Janssen family trash. So far I have bred “Tama,” “Carmen,” “Carla,” “Denise,” and “Janssen” flowers from litter.

To Day 6 of Land Art Maastricht

More Land Art Maastricht + a some plastic

Reinier van der Meer's sculpture at Land Art Maastricht

Reinier van der Meer‘s sculpture at Land Art Maastricht

13 May 2013, Day 4

Reinier van der Meer starts to build his sculpture at Land Art Maastricht while in front of the Chateau Hans Vernooij + Johannes Gérard worked on a site specific intervention in the middle of the lawn.


Reinier van der Meer's sculpture in progress viewed from the east of the Chateau grounds.

Reinier van der Meer’s sculpture in progress viewed from the east of the Chateau grounds.

Sonja irons trash at Land Art Maastricht.

Sonja irons trash at Land Art Maastricht.

First they arranged for a circular area to be left ‘blank’ by the groundsmen.
And then they wheeled wheelbarrows of twigs and branches.

Meanwhile Sen continued to add branches to our arabesque dome while I got out the ironing board and finished ironing Carmen’s trash.

Then I laid the “Carmen” flower out in the moat.

Sonja litters with art in the chateau moat.

Sonja litters with art in the chateau moat.

To Day 5.

The potato eaters at Chateau Bethlehem, Day 3

12 May 2013, Land Art Maastricht, Day 3

The potato eaters at Chateau Bethlehem, Willem (left) and Guido (right)

The potato eaters at Chateau Bethlehem, Willem Fermont (left) and Guido Ancion (right) prepare the ground
for Willem’s installation “Einstein’s Jaarringen” (Einstein’s Growth Rings).

Site specific installation by Guido Ancion at Land Art Maastricht, 12 May 2013

Site specific (Tree Slices) installation in progress by Guido Ancion at Land Art Maastricht, 12 May 2013

"Tama" a floating flower form made out of plastic donated by Tama McGlinn.

“Tama” a floating flower form made out of plastic donated by Tama McGlinn.

After the radio interview for “Timo à la Carte” (information online in Dutch) in the Maastricht ‘het landhuis’ an alternative space for cultural and ecological initiatives, I then set out the first ‘garbage’ flower, “Tama.” Each flower is named after the person whose plastic litter I use.

More about Land Art Maastricht is here. Go back to Day 1 on this blog or to Day 4.

Land Art Maastricht, Day 2

Chateau Bethlehem, the Hotel School main campus with an installation by Teja Galjaard-Kessels.

Chateau Bethlehem, the Hotel School main campus with an installation
by Teja Galjaard-Kessels.

11 May 2013

Sen and Sonja gave an presentation this afternoon and showed the video Transit in a green landscape. This was an intervention at the Tahora Folk Festival in Aotearoa | New Zealand. A transition of red across green incorporating five “Kaimanawa” horses. More about this happening is here or watch the 7 minute video on Youtube.

We weren’t able to do much more to our ‘arabesque dome’ (our working title) because of the rain and so Sonja got the iron out and started to iron the litter she’d collected. See Day three for more.

Land Art Maastricht, Day 1

Sen and Sonja start a new sculpture in the grounds of Chateau Bethlehem, for Land Art Maastricht

Sen and Sonja start a new sculpture in the grounds of Chateau Bethlehem, for Land Art Maastricht.

Artists at work at Land Art Maastricht

Artists at work at Land Art Maastricht. In the foreground Sjoerd Schwibettus (Arnhem).

22 artists from seven countries came to work for 9 days to make site specific sculptures in the grounds of Chateau Bethlehem, which is currently used by as a campus for the Maastricht Hotel School.
See the website for a listing of the artists.

Between 4 and 6 each afternoon are artist presentations.
Today Johannes Gérard (Berlin) and Paul Hoftijzer (NL) presented their work.
To day two >>